Trish Biddle & Gittings Photography Original Commissions

Each Oil Painting begins with a carefully crafted photograph made to Gittings’ exacting standards. Skilled artisans, using the state of the art materials, enhance each portrait as a fine piece of art. It is at this point when the Gittings photographer meets with me to share information about the characteristics of the subjects. I then begin my work to create a truly heirloom product. The photographer and I work hand in hand to insure a lifelike reproduction of the subjects. Due to the nature of the medium, please allow up to 12 weeks for completion of your original oil.

When you commission me to create an original painting for you, I will also work closely with you to address your concerns, requests, and needs. I want to know which of my pieces you like the most, and the least. We need to imagine the creation of the art in pretty much the same way for the commission to work. I will provide a contract containing the basic characteristics of the art, payment schedule (1/3 the total cost of the commission as advance), completion time, and final delivery. Your feedback during the creation process is important to me, so frequent communication is encouraged. I can't wait to get started!

Size One Subject Additional subjects
Up to Fifty Inches $25,000 $8,000
Up to Forty Inches $18,000 $6,000
Up to Thirty Inches $10,000 $4,000
Up to Twenty-Four Inches $8,000 $3,000
Up to Petite $3,000 $1,000

- Prices are uniform worldwide, and are not negotiable.
- The frame is not included in the price.
- Travel and living expenses are additional if necessary.

Click here to contact Trish for more information about commissions


©2015 Trish Biddle — All images are copyrighted and are for viewing purposes only: THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT PERMISSION